
Develop your micro India Phone Number List thanks to social
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Người gửi:  suklarani00 [ Thứ 5 30/12/21 17:20 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Develop your micro India Phone Number List thanks to social

Do you want to develop the visibility of your micro India Phone Number List ? Interviewed at the Salon des micro enterprises 2011 Olivier Fécherolle , strategy and development director at Viadeo, gives you some good tips to grow your micro India Phone Number List through social networks such as Viadeo. Olivier Fécherolle recalls that for micro enterprises, the personal profile is most of the time confused with the identity of the micro enterprise. It is therefore necessary that your profile is well informed for those they will consult it. Subsequently, you will have to build your network. Your network is made up of your colleagues, former colleagues, suppliers, clients, people with whom you have studied ... It will allow you for your micro-enterprise to identify new suppliers, potential clients or even partners.

Find the full interview with Olivier Fécherolle , Strategy and Development Director at Viadeo, on the Salon des micro entreprises channel .Luc de Brabandère , author of a dozen books including the quadrilogy: The pleasure of ideas, The management of ideas, The meaning of ideas and The value of ideas … has been passionate about creativity since his childhood. On the occasion of the release of his latest book, The words and things India Phone Number List ​of the company , he did us the honor, on June 8, to share his passion with us. Gathered around a breakfast, at the Table d'Hédiard de la Madeleine, nine bloggers specializing in entrepreneurship, and the organizers of the SME Fair (formerly the Micro-India Phone Number List Fair) , were present for the occasion.

For Luc de Brabandère , creativity is not about having ideas . It's more about detecting , in existing ideas, THE good idea that will get your India Phone Number List off the ground. To explain his philosophy to us, the guru goes through the examples: "Why did Sony not create the iPod?" "" Why did Mastercard not create Paypal? "" Why didn't Google create Facebook? » … All these companies had the idea and the means, according to him. "They simply did not know how to represent the world in which these ideas were carrying," he adds.

Luc then explains the difference between deduction and induction , the 2 strong points of thought Creative thinking is in the induction , and ideas that result are never true or false, but merely useful or useless, we specify there then. To back up his logic, Luc offers us a new example: "Why did Bic, a pen manufacturer, start manufacturing razors or lighters?" Because they managed, starting with the pen, to reorient their profession, which was ultimately not in India Phone Number List but in the manufacture of plastic objects at low prices. " The exchange is thus continued for nearly 2 hours between the philosopher and the bloggers and it is concluded with this good word: " What gives me hope in the future, it is the new generation and micro-enterprises which multiply human initiatives. "

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