
What are the ingredients of cattle feed?
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Người gửi:  textekpri [ Thứ 5 17/11/22 13:15 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  What are the ingredients of cattle feed?

Cattle are ruminant animals. They can convert low-quality amino acid into high quality amino acids and protein. Feeding ingredients should be different for ruminants and non-ruminants. To maintain a balanced diet, lipids and green grass are important. The grain should have a proper ratio of grains to all the essential amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids. It should range between 40-50% and 50-60%. As a supplement to growth, reproduction, and better performance, several vitamins and minerals such as A,D.E, K.B-complex and C vitamins & PP, Ca, Mn and Mg, K and Zn, and other minerals like K,B,C-complex, K vitamins & P, C vitamins & lipids, and C vitamins & PH should be available. Individual cattle may require a different feed formula and diet depending on their stage, weight and whether they are lactating or not. The owners should seek advice from a registered veterinarian.

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