
Types of Pig Feed
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Người gửi:  textekpri [ Thứ 2 30/01/23 13:24 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Types of Pig Feed

Protein Type Pig Feed
Protein type pig feeds have a low natural water content and a protein content of more than 20%, consisting of plant-based or animal-based protein feeds. Pellets Feed for pig protein pig feed ingredients includes plant-based protein feed: soybean, soybean cake, peanut cake, rapeseed cake, etc. Animal protein feeds: cicada pupae, fish and shrimp meal, meat meal, dairy products, etc.

Mineral Type Pig Feed
Mineral pig feeds can supplement pigs with mineral elements, which are indispensable nutrients for pigs’ growth process, and can be added in appropriate amount. mineral pig feed ingredients include minerals such as calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, table salt, potassium iodide, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate and other mineral additives premix. and including all kinds of vitamins A, B, D, etc., which can make the pig’s body work better in the metabolic process.

Người gửi:  Nishaknapp [ Thứ 6 03/02/23 3:30 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  Re: Types of Pig Feed

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