
The Size of the Fishing Pellet Matters
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Người gửi:  textekpri [ Thứ 6 10/02/23 9:10 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  The Size of the Fishing Pellet Matters

1. 1mm pellet: The smallest-diameter pellet you can buy, the 1mm is great for winter angling when bites are hard to come by and you don’t want to overfeed the fish. They can be scalded with boiling water and used with a Method feeder. F1s, in particular, enjoy this size of feed.
2. 2mm pellet: The size of choice for many Method-feeder anglers and good when the water is cold but the fish are feeding confidently. Scald with boiling water so that they stick around your Method mould but don’t use too much water or they won’t fall off the feeder. What pellets are best for fish?
3. 4mm pellet: A great size to use on the hook, when soaked or pumped, for all manner of species but also a popular size to use as loose feed – the all-rounder, allowing you to catch everything that swims in your commercial lake.
4. 6mm pellet: Again a great size for bagging on carp commercials, it can be used as a feed but works well on the hook when feeding 4mm pellets. You will catch bream and silverfish as well as carp on this size but it’ll help you select the bigger fish.
5. 8mm pellet: The hook bait of choice for many commercial carp baggers, when pumped the 8mm lends itself to fishing down the edge for those big lumps. You can also fish 8mm pellets by banding or hair rigging them. A great size to pick out those bigger fish.

Batches of pellets tend to come in 500g, 1kg, or 5kg packages, although you will find some larger or smaller. You can get bags of all the same size of mixed but this is always specified in our descriptions or on the packaging.

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