
ProsimgraphsPro 11.0
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Người gửi:  mitsumi [ Thứ 3 24/09/24 21:02 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  ProsimgraphsPro 11.0

ProsimgraphsPro 11.0

Hình ảnh

File Size: 13.3 MB

ProsimgraphsPro is a lightweight version of ChemMaths (on the application of the program for mathematical calculations related to chemistry). In addition, the interface with the media player allows you to play music, videos, perform the conversion, recording CDs. Software includes a web browser for further solutions to problems, and to obtain information via the web.

Standard/Scientific Calculator with over 20 constants used throughout the science world.

Si Common Units Convert, Si Mass Units Convert, Plane/Time/Temp Units Convert : Contains 20 categories of unit conversions i.e. Area,Volume,Pressure, volume flow etc. Contains 171 units for conversion to there SI equilivents. Units can be converted imperial or SI. Converts mass transfer and viscosity units. A total of 31 units in all. Converts angular, Temperature and Time units. Total of 14 units can be converted back and forth.

Graph Presentations Drawer. Allows data to be displayed in 12 types of 2D/3D graphs. i.e. line, pie, 2d/3d bar ..The graphs can be easily manipulated in different presentation formats (titles,legends,axis, background etc. can all be manipulated), 3D graphs can be rotated, graphs can be printed, copied to other programs (through the Windows clipboard). Statisitics of the graphs be be easily displayed (max., min, regression lines etc..), data can entered manually or through a text file or through the Windows Clipboard or generated using Graphs equations (see Below) or Excel. The data of the graphs can be saved.

ChemDesigner - Drawing
Chemical display/drawing package. Enables drawing of chemical compounds. Contains over 60 predrawn structures & symbols. Files can be saved and printed out.

Prosim - Simulator
Prosim is a customizable process design package. Which allows the user to design a process simulation situation. It currently incorporates 5 process items which controls can be manipulated through the effect of other items. Designs can be saved, edited, printed, process results can be saved as the process is running.

Whats New
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.



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