
8 reasons to include video in your Japan Phone Number List s
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Người gửi:  SusmitaSK0 [ Chủ nhật 16/01/22 14:26 ]
Tiêu đề bài viết:  8 reasons to include video in your Japan Phone Number List s

Is your communication strategy adapted to the digital age? To find out, just answer this simple question: is the video format part of your communication strategy? If the answer is "No", it's time to fix it... Today more than ever video is at its peak. With the ubiquity of the internet, everything goes faster and content posted online has the power to bring you dozens of new customers. With video content, you can boost your sales, but in reality, the benefits are far greater. Trainer training blue okapi , audiovisual communication agency, presents 8 good Japan Phone Number List to get into video. 1: communicate simply with your future customers they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so imagine a video! Thanks to video you can communicate in a clear and simple way and transmit your message without interference. The techniques are very numerous today and there is a solution to all your needs: storytelling , which tells a story and is therefore better remembered by the spectators, virtual reality which allows a total immersion experience, computer graphics for a dynamic presentation of figures or study results, and many more.

2: develop your internal communication we often associate video with advertising, but that's not its only purpose. Indeed, you can use audiovisual content for your internal communication , whether to present a new internal organization, to create a team spirit within your company or to communicate the results of your company to your collaborators. For companies with geographically distant offices, video can also become a real strategic tool since it makes it Japan Phone Number List to organize meetings or events at a lower cost. Internal communication should not be neglected and the video presents a fun alternative to achieve your objectives. 3: improve your presence on social media regardless of your industry, you can be sure that at some point someone is going to be looking for your social media presence .

By using your videos correctly, you can capture more audiences, whether it's showcasing your products or explaining your approach. Youtube alone has several billion views per day. Facebook and twitter are also very fond of video content since it is a very easy to share format. Facebook is ranked 2nd after youtube for video streaming. Posting a video on your social networks has more potential for virality than any other type of content. 4: create a buzz effect Japan Phone Number List the word, buzz is the new “word of mouth”. If someone sees your video online and finds it entertaining or original, they'll want to share it with their network and so on, until it snowballs. With a buzz effect, your video can go around the world in a few minutes so don't deprive yourself of it! In addition, blue okapi offers you translation and subtitling services, to allow you to reach an international audience. 5: reuse your video on many occasions are you attending a trade show?

A conference ? A b2b/b2c event? Do you send a newsletter? Take advantage and reuse your video for any kind of occasion. During a trade show-type public event, offering a video on your stand is a real advantage because it captures the attention of the public more easily. This allows you a good introduction to the subject, then you just have to challenge the spectators who will be more willing to discuss with you. 6: stand out from the competition Japan Phone Number List to new technological prowess, such as virtual reality and 3d, you can offer new experiences to your customers. Stand out from your competitors at a trade show, for example, by offering a total immersion experience in the world of your business, with google cardboards . Your success is assured. 360° videos can also be used on the web, so there's no excuse not to enter the very promising virtual reality market. 7: increase your visibility by multiplying your communication media on the internet, your web referencing increases.

By adding video to your communication media, you bring more visibility to your business on the internet since a video is 50 times more likely to appear on a google search. Since 2014, there are 3 types of referencing: natural referencing, paid referencing and video referencing . Your seo strategy must therefore combine these 3 aspects in order to bring you the best results. You should also know that google and youtube have 58% of the internet search Japan Phone Number List and 43% of people who watch a video then visit the source site. Figures revealing the potential of video. 8: go through a professional want to get into video but don't know where to start? Call on blue okapi , a french communication agency specializing in motion design, 2d/3d animation and video editing . By going through this animation agency, avoid the headaches: they take care of the creation of the scenario, the production of your video or the creation of your graphic universe, the editing and the animation, the voice-over, sound editing and even translation and subtitles. You thus ensure an effective result and a new tool essential to your communication strategy.

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